Bts Am I Wrong
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I'll keep this short, I promise!!!In 1994, I was on active duty in the U.S. AirForce, when I noticed some unusual symptoms -numb fingers, vision problems, slobbering on mypillow at night (disgusting!), lethargy, and alot of staring off at nothing. Oh, then there was the seizure.I was misdiagnosed by the military doctors fortwo years. They kept telling me that there wasnothing wrong - which was what I wanted to hear! Then there was that seizure.I had the seizure at home, on my couch. 911 wasnot called, and I came out of it OK. But, I knewsomething was wrong. I found the best doctoraround - she ordered an MRI... "A large mass" ( 4th ventricular ependymoma).Three months in the hospital. Craniotomy (99+%),radiation (fractionated, I got the full dose - no chemo), blood clots, tracheatube, infections, pneumonia, PEG tube, andmaybe worst of all - those military nurses! (actually, they were very good)That was springtime, 1995Since then, I have retired, became thefacilitator of two online support groups ( the adult ependymoma and spine tumor online support group - part of T.H.E. Brain Trust, ) ,andco-facilitator of an in-person group here in New Jersey ( The Monmouth and Ocean County Brain Tumor Support Group). I havebeen to brain tumor conferences in three states(so far), I have written an article about BTsthat was published in a local newspaper, I haverequested my mayor declare Brain Tumor AwarenessWeek for his city (which he did), I havetraveled to Washington, D.C. to speak to electedofficials about brain tumors, and maybe someother things too (you see, I don't remember so good anymore).I have double vision (corrected by prismlenses), balance problems, memory problems, andother things (I told you I forget things!)But, I am Alive!!!So now, I drive slower than I used to, I notice more, I enjoy every day and - I appreciate Life!!!Update: 6/7/2008 I was highlighted on CNNUpdate: 2/20/2011As of this date, I remain (thank God) tumor free. While not deficiency free, my quality of life is very high. More than ever, I am sure that having a positive attitude is paramount to ones happiness - whether they are a survivor or not!Update 2/28/2012In January (the 27th, actually), I celebrated my 17-year "Tumorversary"!!! I am very blessed in that I have experienced no new deficiencies since my original "survivor" story was written. Mine could recur, but my wife keeps telling me that there is nothing in my head so I am going with that!BruceUpdate: 1/28/2013My update is that I am still here! - and that January 27th, 2013 was my 18th "Tumorversary" date!Update: 7/10/2013As of my last MRI in October, 2012, I am "clear". I expect (and pray) this continues!Update: 1/25/2014Thanks to God, I am still tumor free - 19 years!!! Update: 10/26/2014 All is good yet again!Update 2/1/2015 Thanks to God, January 27th, 2015 will be my twentieth "Tumorversary"! Update: 10/18/2015Wrote an article for the "International Brain Tumor Association", that was published in their 2015/16 annual report: Look at pages 44 and 45! -org/docs/ibta-2015/19?e=12469959/13388134 Held my 5th annual "Walk To End Brain Tumors" as part of the "Grey Ribbons Crusade"- raised over $33,000 for brain tumor research.Update: 6/19/16I just had my 4th annual "Walk To End Brain Tumors - New Egypt" in May. This is held as part of the "Gray Ribbons Crusade". Through the years, the walk has raised over $75,000 which has gone directly to brain tumor research.Still walking (staggering) down life's path!Update: 3/22/17Now a twenty two year survivor!Update: 2/8/2018As of January 23, 2018, I have been tumor free for twenty three years!Update: 9/3/18Still the grace of God! My MRI is coming up, if I remember to schedule it! Update: 7/3/2021After 26 1/2 years, I remain happy and healthy - thank God! Bruce B.Questions?Send a message to Bruce!Your NameYour E-mailComments / questions Call Us Today 888-295-4740 Musella Foundation 1100 Peninsula Blvd, Hewlett, NY 11557 find us on quick links Home Noteworthy Treatments Brain Tumor Guide News Contact Us Virtual Trial Find A Treatment Videos our newsletter Brain Tumor News Blast Click HERE to subscribe! 781b155fdc